Mini Split Services

Superior Mini Splits technicians have been providing mini split services to local families and businesses since 2005, diagnosing and repairing mini-split systems.
We are a Fujitsu Elite Contractor, servicing all of Fujitsu AirStage Mini Split and VRF products
Mini Split Services
Superior Mini Splits provides installation services from small individual rooms to the whole house and commercial building heating and air conditioning applications. Fujitsu mini splits offer a variety of mini-split indoor units to blend in with any home decor or commercial building’s heating and cooling requirement. Especially with Fujitsu’s wall, floor, and ceiling cassette unit, the slim-duct air handler unit can be installed concealed in small, out-of-the-way spaces.
Mini Split Services
Repair Service
Although mini splits are highly reliable and maintenance-free, mini splits may need to be repaired occasionally during their operational lifespan. No need to worry, Superior mini splits provide 24-hour 7 days a, week service for our customers.
Mini Split Services
Mini Split Preventive Maintenance
Preventive maintenance ensures your mini split operates at its highest efficiency and prolongs its life. Avoid unexpected breakdowns and expenses. Superior mini splits preventive maintenance service will properly maintain your mini split system. Depending on your system, preventative maintenance should be performed in the spring in preparation for the summer air conditioning season and the fall for the heating season.
Mini Split Services
Mini Split Extended Warranty
Superior offers an Extended Warranty for all brands of mini-split systems. Our extended warranty supplements the standard manufacturer warranty provided for your mini split system. It covers the cost of any parts and labor to diagnose and repair your equipment, even after the manufacturer’s warranty expires should a failure occur during normal operation.
Floor Unit
Floor units are low profile and hug the wall keeping them out of sight. Floor units also blend well into your home’s decor, making them an excellent choice for New England-style homes. And floor units do not require any ductwork, which makes them easy to install and increases their energy efficiency.
Slim-Duct Unit
Slim Duct Air Handling Units can be installed in tight and out-of-the-way locations such as attics, basements, closets, and crawl spaces, allowing for installation flexibility.
Although these units require ductwork making them a little more to install, they can provide heat and air conditioning to several areas saving you money rather than installing multiple wall, floor, or ceiling cassette units where one slim duct unit can do the job.